[Rabbit-dev] Logging Usage
Luis Soltero
2011-07-21 23:36:19 UTC
Hi Robo,

Is there a way to configure rabbit to log total usage by user?

Now that we have the ability to use an SQL database for authentication (which works great BTW... we have been using this
feature for many years) it would be nice to be able to log in/out totals per user for data which passes through the proxy.

Is there an easy way to do this?

BTW... the ad/banned site filtering based on SQL lookup added in 4.9 is brilliant! It works very very well. thanks for

I look forward to your response.

Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-07-22 16:40:28 UTC
On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 19:36:19 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
Is there a way to configure rabbit to log total usage by user?
Not today, no.
Post by Luis Soltero
Now that we have the ability to use an SQL database for authentication (which works great BTW... we have been using this
feature for many years) it would be nice to be able to log in/out totals per user for data which passes through the proxy.
Is there an easy way to do this?
It is not that hard, rabbit collects the raw statistics, as you can see
on the status pages. What is missing is a way to run this through some
configurable user usage logger. Ill try to take a look at it in the near

Luis Soltero
2011-07-22 17:51:44 UTC
This will be a very nice features for admins that want to know the proxy resources used by each of their users. Glad to
hear that it wont be difficult to add this feature.

This would have the nice side benefit of answering the question "how much acceleration do i get by using the proxy?"
since reports could easily be generated per user that state well... you requested this much info and we sent you this
much and therefore you got this much acceleration.

Let us know if we can help in anyway.

Post by Robert Olofsson
On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 19:36:19 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
Is there a way to configure rabbit to log total usage by user?
Not today, no.
Post by Luis Soltero
Now that we have the ability to use an SQL database for authentication (which works great BTW... we have been using this
feature for many years) it would be nice to be able to log in/out totals per user for data which passes through the proxy.
Is there an easy way to do this?
It is not that hard, rabbit collects the raw statistics, as you can see
on the status pages. What is missing is a way to run this through some
configurable user usage logger. Ill try to take a look at it in the near
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-08-17 19:59:48 UTC

I have added an interface and some code to setup and call the client
traffic usage.

Please check the code in git to see if it is suitable to your needs.
For now I have only added a simple traffic logger that prints some
usage onto stdout. I am not sure how you want to continue, do you want
to write your own database logger?

Luis Soltero
2011-08-17 20:06:43 UTC
wonderful. let me do a git update and see what you have.

what we will want is to log the user timestamp during the initial authentication (when the the end user is prompted for
his username/password) and then the total number of bytes in/out.

It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.

Post by Robert Olofsson
I have added an interface and some code to setup and call the client
traffic usage.
Please check the code in git to see if it is suitable to your needs.
For now I have only added a simple traffic logger that prints some
usage onto stdout. I am not sure how you want to continue, do you want
to write your own database logger?
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-08-17 20:20:41 UTC
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:06:43 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.
Take a look at the StandardOutTrafficLogger that I made, consider it a
very basic template. You probably want to look at SQLBlockFilter to
see how to handle the database connection.

I thought about writing an example sql traffic logger, but I did not
figure out what values would be good to log in the general case.

Luis Soltero
2011-08-17 23:56:08 UTC
perfect! this looks pretty straight forward. I will let you know how I get a long.

I agree with you. A generic traffic logger would be difficult to implement since every ones requirements will be
different. It looks like a custom logger is simple enough to implement and the most flexible way to go.


Post by Robert Olofsson
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:06:43 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.
Take a look at the StandardOutTrafficLogger that I made, consider it a
very basic template. You probably want to look at SQLBlockFilter to
see how to handle the database connection.
I thought about writing an example sql traffic logger, but I did not
figure out what values would be good to log in the general case.
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Luis Soltero
2011-08-18 05:52:34 UTC
Hi Robo,

almost there just need a little help...

here is my entries in rabbit.conf. Note taht SQLBlockFilter works perfectly. I am using the same db but a different
table for the proxy_stats. The SQL statement was verified manually so I know its good.

select=select 1 from banedhosts where hostname=?

select=insert into proxy_stats (username,client_read,client_write,network_read,network_write,last_access) values
(?,?,?,?,?,DEFAULT) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE client_read=client_read+?, client_write=client_write+?,
network_read=network_read+?, network_write=network_write+?, last_access=DEFAULT

Here is my custom sql traffic logger...

public class GMNTrafficLogger implements ClientTrafficLogger {
private DataSourceHelper dsh;
private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger (getClass ().getName ());
private final String DEFAULT_SQL =
"insert into proxy_stats (username) values (?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE username=?";

public void logTraffic (String user, HttpHeader request,
TrafficLogger client, TrafficLogger network,
TrafficLogger cache, TrafficLogger proxy) {

// System.out.println ("user: " + user +
// ", url: " + request.getRequestURI () +
// ", client read: " + client.read () +
// ", client write: " + client.write () +
// ", network read: " + network.read () +
// ", network write: " + network.write ());

try {
java.sql.Connection db = dsh.getConnection ();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = db.prepareStatement (dsh.getSelect ());
try {
ps.setString (1, user);
ps.setLong (2, client.read());
ps.setLong (3, client.write());
ps.setLong (4, network.read());
ps.setLong (5, network.write());
ps.setLong (6, client.read());
ps.setLong (7, client.write());
ps.setLong (8, network.read());
ps.setLong (9, network.write());
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery ();
rs.close ();
} finally {
ps.close ();
} finally {
db.close ();
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log (Level.WARNING,
"Failed to get database connection",

/** Setup this class with the given properties.
* @param props the new configuration of this class.
public void setup (SProperties props, HttpProxy proxy) {
try {
dsh = new DataSourceHelper (props, DEFAULT_SQL);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException (e);

I am getting a null exception

Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
at rabbit.proxy.GMNTrafficLogger.logTraffic(GMNTrafficLogger.java:40)
at rabbit.proxy.ClientTrafficLoggerHandler.logTraffic(ClientTrafficLoggerHandler.java:52)
at rabbit.proxy.Connection.logConnection(Connection.java:1175)
at rabbit.proxy.Connection.internalLogAndTryRestart(Connection.java:1156)
at rabbit.proxy.Connection.access$900(Connection.java:44)
at rabbit.proxy.Connection$2.run(Connection.java:1147)
at org.khelekore.rnio.impl.StatisticsCollector.run(StatisticsCollector.java:37)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

which is at
40: PreparedStatement ps = db.prepareStatement (dsh.getSelect ());

which suggests that my setup method is not being called.

Any pointers would greatly be appreciated...


Post by Robert Olofsson
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:06:43 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.
Take a look at the StandardOutTrafficLogger that I made, consider it a
very basic template. You probably want to look at SQLBlockFilter to
see how to handle the database connection.
I thought about writing an example sql traffic logger, but I did not
figure out what values would be good to log in the general case.
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-08-18 15:26:45 UTC

On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 01:52:34 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
almost there just need a little help...
Post by Luis Soltero
which suggests that my setup method is not being called.
That is correct, I forgot to call setup. My example logger did not
need any setup so I did not think about it, but it should be there.
I will add that later today.

Luis Soltero
2011-08-18 15:50:05 UTC
Hi Robo,

Thanks for that... Let me know when you have committed the changes so that I can do an update on my end.

I look forward to seeing this work.

Post by Robert Olofsson
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 01:52:34 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
almost there just need a little help...
Post by Luis Soltero
which suggests that my setup method is not being called.
That is correct, I forgot to call setup. My example logger did not
need any setup so I did not think about it, but it should be there.
I will add that later today.
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-08-18 18:45:13 UTC

On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 11:50:05 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
Thanks for that... Let me know when you have committed the changes so that I can do an update on my end.
Code is in git now so please try it and see what happen.

Luis Soltero
2011-08-19 05:44:56 UTC

mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 56195 | 46204 | 37402 | 24746 | 2011-08-19 05:37:06 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 104099 | 75218 | 56873 | 36219 | 2011-08-19 05:37:20 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 189965 | 420265 | 933861 | 91495 | 2011-08-19 05:37:38 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 346455 | 753148 | 1503840 | 179451 | 2011-08-19 05:38:48 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Can you tell me more about network_write/read? Is this just the raw network read/write that is caused by the requested
url? in otherwords... if there is a cache hit then the network traffic is very small. if there is a cache hit then there
is considerably more network traffic. Is there a way to tell the amount of data that was extracted from the cache? or
is this built into network_X some how?

I look forward to your response.

Post by Robert Olofsson
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:06:43 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.
Take a look at the StandardOutTrafficLogger that I made, consider it a
very basic template. You probably want to look at SQLBlockFilter to
see how to handle the database connection.
I thought about writing an example sql traffic logger, but I did not
figure out what values would be good to log in the general case.
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Luis Soltero
2011-08-19 07:01:02 UTC
hi Robo,

one more thing... i just looked through the proxy logs for our 4.9 and 4.8 servers and I am not seeing this type of
error on them. So... it seems that these malformed header errors are an artifact of some change made in 4.10 or 4.11.

Any idea what might be causing this? they happen pretty regularly.


Post by Luis Soltero
Hi Robo,
what causes urls to get truncated as follows? They generate errors like
Aug 19, 2011 1:13:30 AM rabbit.proxy.ProxyLogger setup
INFO: Log level set to: INFO
Aug 19, 2011 1:13:31 AM rabbit.proxy.HttpProxy setConfig
INFO: RabbIT proxy version 4.11: Configuration loaded: ready for action.
Aug 19, 2011 1:15:52 AM rabbit.proxy.Connection handleFailedRequestRead
INFO: Exception when reading request
rabbit.httpio.BadHttpHeaderException: Malformed header:F%2526ot%253DA; s_ppv=100; rvisw=1; srvisw=new%3A1; rvism=1;
at rabbit.httpio.HttpHeaderParser.readHeader(HttpHeaderParser.java:176)
at rabbit.httpio.HttpHeaderParser.lineRead(HttpHeaderParser.java:143)
at rabbit.httpio.LineReader.readLine(LineReader.java:43)
at rabbit.httpio.HttpHeaderParser.handleBuffer(HttpHeaderParser.java:60)
at rabbit.httpio.HttpHeaderReader.parseBuffer(HttpHeaderReader.java:124)
at rabbit.httpio.HttpHeaderReader.read(HttpHeaderReader.java:112)
at org.khelekore.rnio.impl.ChannelOpsHandler.handleRead(ChannelOpsHandler.java:105)
at org.khelekore.rnio.impl.ChannelOpsHandler.handle(ChannelOpsHandler.java:160)
at org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SingleSelectorRunner.handleSelects(SingleSelectorRunner.java:350)
at org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SingleSelectorRunner.run(SingleSelectorRunner.java:204)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
Aug 19, 2011 1:16:53 AM rabbit.filter.ProxyAuth getError
WARNING: Bad url: HTTP/1.1
java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: HTTP/1.1
at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:567)
at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:464)
at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:413)
at rabbit.filter.ProxyAuth.getError(ProxyAuth.java:96)
at rabbit.filter.ProxyAuth.doHttpInFiltering(ProxyAuth.java:53)
spider:/usr/local/RabbitDev/rabbit/logs # grep -v test access_log.0 | grep -v CONNECT - - 19/Aug/2011:06:16:53 GMT "Fwww.cnn.com%2F2011%2FUS%2F08%2F18%2Fflashmobs.police%2Findex.html&ot=A&AQE=1
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 120] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:18:58 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 127] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:20:34 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 163] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:21:01 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 228] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:25:02 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 263] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:26:56 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 316] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:29:02 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 415] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:29:29 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 435] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:37:42 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 899] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:37:46 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 922] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:38:01 GMT "g%2F2.html&pidt=1&oid=http%3A%2F%2Fmoney.cnn.com%2Ftechnology%2F&ot=A&AQE=1
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 946] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:38:16 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 970] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:39:45 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 1003] - - 19/Aug/2011:06:39:52 GMT
HTTP/1.1" 400 357 [0, 1029]
Post by Luis Soltero
mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 56195 | 46204 | 37402 | 24746 | 2011-08-19 05:37:06 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 104099 | 75218 | 56873 | 36219 | 2011-08-19 05:37:20 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 189965 | 420265 | 933861 | 91495 | 2011-08-19 05:37:38 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from proxy_stats;
| username | client_read | client_write | network_read | network_write | last_access |
| test | 346455 | 753148 | 1503840 | 179451 | 2011-08-19 05:38:48 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Can you tell me more about network_write/read? Is this just the raw network read/write that is caused by the requested
url? in otherwords... if there is a cache hit then the network traffic is very small. if there is a cache hit then there
is considerably more network traffic. Is there a way to tell the amount of data that was extracted from the cache? or
is this built into network_X some how?
I look forward to your response.
Post by Robert Olofsson
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:06:43 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
It sounds like writing our own logger is probably the best way to do that but I have no idea how. Would it be possible
to create a template that we could use as a starting point. In the end we will want to execute sql statements to update
table entries in the db.
Take a look at the StandardOutTrafficLogger that I made, consider it a
very basic template. You probably want to look at SQLBlockFilter to
see how to handle the database connection.
I thought about writing an example sql traffic logger, but I did not
figure out what values would be good to log in the general case.
Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com
Robert Olofsson
2011-08-19 17:06:51 UTC

On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 01:44:56 -0400
Post by Luis Soltero
Post by Luis Soltero
Can you tell me more about network_write/read?
I can try.

You have 4 different directions for data in rabbit:
client, network, cache and proxy.

The client is the traffic to/from the client web browser.
Network is for traffic between rabbit and upstream server.
Cache is for traffic between rabbit and the cache.
Proxy is a special case for resources generated by rabbit, like
the rabbit status pages.

All of these 4 traffic loggers have 4 values:
read, write, transfer_to, transfer_from.

Read and write are normal read/write.
The transfer values are zero copy data transfers.

For a normal non cached request you will see:
client read and client write as well as network read and write.
If the cache is allowed to cache the resource you will also see
cache writes.

For a cached resource you will see:
client read client write for the header handling and
client transfer to + cache transfer from (assuming your cache supports
transfer, but it ought to).

Things get more interesting if you hit a cached resource,
but with a forced cache validation. Then you will see
client read, client write, network read, network write and
cache to client transfer.

Does this make sense?


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