[Rabbit-dev] convert
Rick Leir
2010-09-14 20:28:21 UTC
Hi Robo,

Here is a line in ExternalProcessConverter that looks wrong. This does
not matter as long as the conf file overrides it. Sorry for being picky.

private static final String STD_CONVERT_ARGS =
"conovert -quality 10 -flatten $filename +profile \"*\"

Also, in the conf file, let's put a sample for the java image quality:

Just an idea, but how about converting jpeg's to pjpeg? That would be
good for clients with modems, but maybe it is not practical.

The main reason that am poking into this is because the Java image
conversion is broken for png's. Here is code in JavaImageConverter that
appears to be for jpeg only:

private ImageWriter getImageWriter () throws IOException {
Iterator<ImageWriter> iter =
ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName ("jpeg");

Robert Olofsson
2010-09-14 21:41:45 UTC
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 16:28:21 -0400
Post by Rick Leir
Here is a line in ExternalProcessConverter that looks wrong. This does
not matter as long as the conf file overrides it. Sorry for being picky.
Ah, thanks for spotting that typo, I will commit an update in a few minutes.
Post by Rick Leir
The current default config has two following two lines since some time:
# Fallback for java based converter
Post by Rick Leir
Just an idea, but how about converting jpeg's to pjpeg? That would be
good for clients with modems, but maybe it is not practical.
Could be worth a try. I have not really thought about it.
Post by Rick Leir
The main reason that am poking into this is because the Java image
conversion is broken for png's. Here is code in JavaImageConverter that
private ImageWriter getImageWriter () throws IOException {
Iterator<ImageWriter> iter =
ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName ("jpeg");
The image converter only _writes_ jpeg images, yes. That does not mean
anything for supported formats when reading images.

So, that does not look like an error or bug to me, that looks like
correct code.

