[Rabbit-dev] features for 5
Rick Leir
2012-02-06 10:34:41 UTC
I would also like to update the cache so that we can cache both
original and modified content and thus easily can support client
settings for image compression. I am not sure how big this change
actually would be, not sure if it would be a 5.x issue, but I think it
would be.
For a start, we could just cache the uncompressed image. Yes,
performance would be worse, but maybe not by much because images
generally also get cached in browsers. Performance testing would be
useful. (aside: I have been playing with JMeter this weekend, and my
problem is how to throttle 1G Ethernet down to simulate 56K modems. Any
idea how to do this on Linux without getting bursty traffic? )
I would also like to change some of the http header handling so that
we do not have to parse dates or cookies or ranges or ... multiple
times. Currently everything is stored as strings and that is not always
optimal, but makes some things easy.
Again, performance might not change much, and 'easy' is good in my books.

More about SPDY at:
Google's index page (with links to experimental server code in Java,
Python, and others):
And their server code in C++: ("The flip server is a fully implemented
SPDY server or SPDY-to-HTTP gateway. Full source is available")

Research to improve response times in high latency Internet browsing
environments using SCTP:
Problem: SCTP won't work with NAT?
Problem: only half of the ISP's allow SCTP ?

cheers -- Rick
Samat K Jain
2012-02-07 00:39:21 UTC
Post by Rick Leir
For a start, we could just cache the uncompressed image. Yes,
performance would be worse, but maybe not by much because images
generally also get cached in browsers. Performance testing would be
useful. (aside: I have been playing with JMeter this weekend, and my
problem is how to throttle 1G Ethernet down to simulate 56K modems. Any
idea how to do this on Linux without getting bursty traffic? )
See netem: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/netem
Samat K Jain <http://samat.org/> ? GPG: 0x4A456FBA

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
? Albert Einstein (444)

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