[Rabbit-dev] Windows specific renameTo issue ...
Madhu Venugopal
2010-07-08 21:01:54 UTC

I tried the rabbit web proxy on a windows machine - with the image conversion
the "renameTo" call fails & so does the call to delete the file.

This seems to be specific to Microsoft Windows... This works fine in a mac or

Any ideas ?


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Robert Olofsson
2010-07-08 21:37:23 UTC

On Thu, 8 Jul 2010 14:01:54 -0700 (PDT)
Post by Madhu Venugopal
I tried the rabbit web proxy on a windows machine - with the image conversion
the "renameTo" call fails & so does the call to delete the file.
Odd, do you have any stack traces or error logs?
Can you turn up logging for ImageHandler to FINER? that will give some more
information in the log.
Post by Madhu Venugopal
This seems to be specific to Microsoft Windows... This works fine in a mac or
renameTo on linux/unix allows one to overwrite files (and does a silent
delete of the file being overwritten). On windows you are not allowed to
overwrite an existing file.
In rabbit there is code to check for file existence and remove it before
any renameTo.

Checking the code I can see that ImageHandler and it looks very much like
it is doing it correctly.

What version of rabbit are you trying to use?
What jvm?
What does the error log tell you?

