[Rabbit-dev] SSL compression negotiation
2012-02-02 18:24:42 UTC
Interesting article...wonder if Rabbit could do the same. The chrome/apache/jquery.js example of 146k to 77k looks nice.

bsaunder2002 at yahoo.com
Robert Olofsson
2012-02-02 22:45:11 UTC
On Thu, 2 Feb 2012 10:24:42 -0800 (PST)
Post by Bill
Interesting article...wonder if Rabbit could do the same. The
chrome/apache/jquery.js example of 146k to 77k looks nice.
Since there is no link to the actual article it is hard to say
what you are referring to.

Rabbit only tunnels https traffic so I doubt that it can do much.

Luis Soltero
2012-02-02 22:55:39 UTC

the problem is that this is a browser->server link... I don't see how rabbit could be modified to take advantage of this
since this is an end-to-end application in which a proxy sever can not be inserted into the middle.

Post by Bill
Interesting article...wonder if Rabbit could do the same. The chrome/apache/jquery.js example of 146k to 77k looks nice.
bsaunder2002 at yahoo.com
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Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com